Felix Mitchell is known as being the Godfather of Oakland California’s drug game. As the leader of a heroin empire he was Oakland’s first...
Category - Cali Faces Documentaries
Only one photo was ever taken of José Díaz. It was in 1942 and he was 22 years old. A week later he was killed. The Los Angeles police department...
Basketball player Demetrius “Hook” Mitchell was all but guaranteed to go to the NBA straight out of highschool. Coaches, players, scouts...
The Crip King, the King of the Crips and the Crip Godfather are just a few of the names that have been used to describe Stanley Tookie Williams, the...
Edward “Big Ed” Sanders might not be a name you often hear in discussions about the greatest boxers in history but it should be. He made boxing...
Scott “Junior” Ereckson joined the Mongols Motorcycle Club in 1980. He watched the club grow from just a few hundred members in...
In the 1960s, The Wolf Pack was the strongest and most rebellious black prison group in California and James Carr was one of it’s most...
In 1992, the LA riots tore through the city, bringing complete destruction to the community and it’s businesses. As the world watched, news...
Kev Mac grew up around one of the biggest gangs in Los Angeles, the Rollin 60s and he followed in the footsteps of generations before him becoming a...
In the 1980’s, a new wave of Asian gangs started popping up around Southern California and Tin Nguyen was there from the very beginning.